
Download the last worker steam
Download the last worker steam

download the last worker steam

The stelae acquired so far are converted into "Yggdrasil Seeds," which are strengthened with the roots of the World Tree in every world, and become an aid to the new world. The stelae acquired up to now are converted into "Yggdrasil seeds," which are strengthened with the roots of the world tree found in every world, "Ragnarok" is a function that destroys the current world and rebuilds a new world. The scenery also changes with the time of day, and as the roots of the World Tree are strengthened, the tree becomes more and more lively, allowing you to enjoy your time at leisure. You can release new functions, gain special skills, and increase the rate of stellar synthesis.Ī day/night system linked to real time, the visible landscape and music will also change with progress,

download the last worker steam

We assume approximately 300+ hours to experience all of the implemented systems!Ĭonsuming Stella, the Holy Spirit can be released and strengthened, and depending on the level of strengthening, the Holy Spirit can be released and strengthened further.

download the last worker steam

Plant the World Tree, synthesize Stella, revive the Holy Spirits, and bring the world back to life again!Ĭlick on the world tree to synthesize "Stella", "Stella" can strengthen the world tree and the Holy Spirit! In a decaying world, the life of all the Holy Spirits, including the World Tree, has been lost, and a certain goddess entrusted you with the last seed of the World Tree in order to revive the world!

Download the last worker steam